Thinkers50 releases an annual list of 30 thinkers to watch in the upcoming year. These thinkers have shown thought leadership through their books, management efforts and inspirational, intriguing ideas. According to Thinkers50, their ‘Radar Class of 2019’ is “as powerful a group as we have ever identified in our annual selection”.

To dive a bit deeper into this prestigious list, here’s a bit more information from the Thinkers50 website ( "Every two years, Thinkers50 salutes the leading business and management ideas of our age with our Ranking of Management Thinkers and our awards for distinguished achievement in a number of specific management categories. Our annual Radar list introduces emerging thinkers with the potential to make lasting contributions to management theory and practice."
We are very proud to announce that our very own author Dr. Oleg Konovalov (author of CORPORATE SUPERPOWER), is featured on this highly respected list of thinkers.

This isn’t Oleg’s first and only accomplishment. He has been featured and interviewed on numerous online publications such as the Entrepreneur Podcast Network, School for Startup Radio, Skip Prichard’s Blog, The CEO Magazine, JCG Executive Conversations, and Savvy Business Radio.
You can read more about Oleg and the ‘Radar Class of 2019’, here:
You can check out CORPORATE SUPERPOWER, here.

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