“What a journey this has been!” is a thought that crossed my mind the other day. I was finishing up my fourth Ted Bundy book when it popped into my mind. Looking back on this journey, the most interesting aspect is that I didn’t even see it coming. For those of you who’ve been with me, you already know what I’m talking about. But for those who don’t, here’s a brief explanation:
In 2005, I met Jerry Thompson. He’s the retired detective from Utah who worked the Bundy case in that state. From this meeting, I ended up writing, The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History, published in 2009. The book brought forth new and never-before published revelations about a number of the murders. Of course, having written a biography of Ted Bundy, I figured (naturally) I was finished with him. Life, however, has a way of changing things. Folks started contacting me after the book’s release, and soon I was gathering new interview material on the case.

Author Kevin Sullivan
In 2015, because of this new information, as well as some other factors, I decided to write a companion volume to The Bundy Murders. That book, The Trail of Ted Bundy: Digging Up the Untold Stories, was released in 2016. This book, like my first book, unearthed a lot of new information on this most infamous case. After this, I believed I could move on. Wrong!
Because of my two Bundy books being on the market, more individuals came my way. And before too long, I found myself conducting new interviews. Because of this new activity, I knew a third book would eventually be in the offing. That book, The Bundy Secrets: Hidden Files on America’s Worst Serial Killer, was published in 2017. For this work I took a large portion of the Bundy case file material and published them verbatim, along with commentary from me. I knew that adding these full reports would be of great interest to people, and I was correct.
My current book: Ted Bundy’s Murderous Mysteries: The Many Victims of America’s Most Infamous Serial Killer, was recently released, and here too, I have new and very revealing interviews from important players in the case. I have also added case file material that doesn’t appear in any of my previous Bundy books. And as you might suspect, throughout the book, there is commentary from me.
Now, having written four books on this serial killer, totaling over 1000 pages, I’m going to assume this 4-volume set will complete my work on Ted Bundy. That said, I do recall myself saying similar things in the past, wink, wink.
A very interesting book, I love all the details!
Thanks Peggy! 🙂
I have read all your Bundy books and they are phenomenal! Thanks!
Hi Meredith,
Thanks so much for the good words, as they are greatly appreciated! And stay tuned, as I have a 5th and final Bundy book coming out shortly. It’s an encyclopedia of the Ted Bundy murders. 🙂 Also, Meredith, since you loved my books, do you think you could leave a brief review of them on Amazon? Every review really helps. Thanks again! 🙂
Hi Kevin,
Ted Bundy had an accomplice. 1974/0r 75. I was picked up by them hitchhiking in Oregon on Route 1
I was a victim.
I have a HORRIFIC experience to share. Not sure why after 44 years,
Hi Donna,
Thanks for the contact!
First, Bundy never worked with an accomplice. We know this because of the kind of killer he was, and what he was looking for was an experience between killer and victim only. That said, feel free to send me your story at the email address provided below. And thanks again, Donna, for reaching out to me!
Hi Kevin-
I just finished your book The Trail of Ted Bundy. Very interesting and lots of new nuggets of information. I knew very little of Ted Bundy as of a few months ago and I was only in middle school when he was executed. A recent news article about the sale of John Wayne Gacys’ property led me down a true crime rabbit hole and there I unlocked the dizzying world of Ted Bundy. I’d like to read your other books and hoping I can purchase them as ebooks in the future. I’m wondering your thoughts on the book Reconstructing Sara, and also her blog. She claims of Ted’s closeness with the FBI, and specific oddities like his records being sealed for 75 years (why?). Again, another rabbit hole. I did read that pretty much everyone (Rule, Keppel, etc.) completely dismissed her as a crazed Bundyphile. She raises very interesting points and am curious to see if she’s reached out to you to help validate her claims.
Hi Kelly, and thanks for the contact.
I have spoken to “Sara” (which is not her real name), and she says many things that I do not find valid. And when I simply mentioned that I could not “buy into” all she was saying, she verbally attacked me and immediately put me in the same category of folks like Bob Keppel, Bill Hagmaier, and many others who have rejected her statements as not being valid. In fact, she originally contacted me to re-write her book, and I suppose she believed that, because of my books on Bundy, I could very much get her book recognized as being mainstream, and it’s not. First, there are no sealed federal records pertaining to the Bundy case. That is absolutely bogus. She also claims that Bundy was raping her on a regular basis, and if I’m not mistake, it was going on for months; a scenario I do not believe. She also told me that she witnessed the abduction of Georgann Hawkins, and I believe it was at that point that I had to stop her and tell her, no, I don’t believe that. So, if you’re wondering if I place any credence on her book or her testimony, I do not. It’s true (so I’ve been told) that she was a member of a sorority house on Greek Row at the Univ. of Washington, and perhaps a member of Georgann Hawkins’ house. But I must stress again, I see all her work as fiction. And every credible connection to the case who has had contact with her, dismisses her claims.
Btw: Yes, the Trail of Ted Bundy, is loaded with new information, and I was very pleased that so many valid Bundy contacts came forward and trusted me to tell their stories; many for the first time. Also, if you ever have a chance to read my biography of Ted Bundy, The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History, it contains new information about several of the murders that were coming to light for the very first time (2009 publication), and it has a lot of new info in general about the case as well, so I know you’ll like it. However, a second edition was just published and it carries more new information that I added for this new edition. So if you have a chance to read it I believe you’ll like it. Here’s a link to the eBook edition…
Hi again!
Thank you for your quick correspondence! So interesting! “Sara” contacting you was exactly as I imagined and I figured she would reach out to an author to help with her book. Her claim is that he actually began stalking her in high school (they lived fairly close) and into college and that he was actually stalking her the night if George’s disappearance. Very intense and wild!
Ah, I can read Kindle books through the Kindle iPhone app. For some reason I thought I needed a Kindle (I read your other book via Nook).
Starting The Bundy Murders – A Comprehensive History now!
Hi Kelly!
Yes, and wild might be an understatement for Sara’s story lol!
I’m glad you could pick up an eBook copy of The Bundy Murders, as I think you’re going to enjoy it. Let me know what you think, and if you want to send me a friend request on Facebook, I’ll accept.
Thanks again!