Video Two in a Three Part Series About James Byron Huggins’ THE RECKONING

“In a world ruled by the purest survivors, the fiercest warriors, Gage was the strongest – an American executing his country’s darkest missions with legendary cunning and skill…”
As James Byron Huggins was writing THE RECKONING, he reached out to Arcenio James Advincula and Jim Hammond about a fighting knife that Gage would thrive with. The Flesheater ‘Dragon’ Fighting Knife was the perfect choice for Gage! Listen as James Advincula describes his past, the different fighting grips, how the knife fits into THE RECKONING, and more.
Arcenio James Advincula is a trained martial artist and a first-generation student of the founder of Isshin-ryū Karate, Tatsuo Shimabuku. He also has an extensive background in Largo Mano Eskrima, Hindiandi Gung Fu, Ryukyu Kobudo and Combat Judo. Arcenio is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and he served for 22 years, 6 months, 18 days which includes two tours in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. He retired in 1981 proudly as a Master Sergeant. Some of his other notable accomplishments include; designing the Isshinryu patch, receiving a Black Belt Emeritus from the US Marine Corps, working with the San Diego Chargers on body mechanics, selected by the Okinawan Government to represent the U.S. at the 2005 Okinawa Karate and Kobudo Exchange Symposium.
You can connect with Arcenio James Advincula here

You can read THE RECKONING here
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Video 1: Jim Hammond discusses The Dragon, the knife he designed for James Byron Huggins' book THE RECKONING. -
Video 2: Arcenio James Advincula discusses his participation in THE RECKONING and the relevance of his martial arts perspective. -
Video 3: James Byron Huggins discusses THE RECKONING and the participation of Advincula and Hammond. – Released this weekend
Robert Davidson wrote this book a few years back which devastated the family with his false claims.. The devastation is not so much the fact Mr. Davidson wrote a book, its due to the fact he lied. Its been found that Mr. Davidson recently came out with a second addition of this book called the Beast I loved, with a different cover from its original Fighting back.
This very statement from Robert Davidson “Based on hundreds of hours interviewing June Briand, speaking with her lawyers, and poring over countless pages of court transcripts, police and hospital records, and interviews with virtually every key person involved with this case”
Is 100% false! We have created a page to give the readers as they requested the real True story of events! We have real documents, as Mr Davidson does not. We have everything needed to show proof. This is an on going page, with new information being released daily and will not stop until we can finally get some Justice. Please share, get the word out. We are targeting to reach all the readers of these two books, the media, newspapers, true crime journalists,investigators and lawyers.
Here is the true story of June Briand :
Everything is public and no need to join the page to read.