Hello, I thought you’d like to know a bit about me.
As an author my two novels, BONE THIEF and THE SCREAMING ROOM, were published by Kensington Books here in the United States. Both have also been translated for publication in Germany, Slovakia, Indonesia, the Czech Republic, China, and Italy. I’m a member of both the Mystery Writers of America and the International Thriller Writers associations.
Born in Brooklyn, a residential borough of New York City. I attended and graduated from Richmond College which, at the time, was part of the City University of New York. I currently reside with my lovely wife, Eileen, a stone’s throw from the Atlantic Ocean in the idyllic beach community of Belle Harbor, a beach community in Queens, another borough of New York. We have a daughter, Kelliann, who resides nearby. Her daughter, Kristin, calls me PaPa then watches me melt.
After graduating with a liberal arts degree from Richmond College I landed a job with Allstate Insurance Company as a sales agent. When the company opted to take their sales force in another direction I decided it was time to retire and find something else to do with my time.
I spent much of that time reading. On the beach in summer and on the couch in winter.
One day I picked up a copy of Helter Skelter, by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry. This is an often used adage, but I couldn’t put it down. The author’s attention to detail fascinated me. After that, I was hooked on novels depicting murder, mayhem and suspense. I soon discovered such notables as Thomas Harris, John Sandford, Lawrence Block and Ed McBain, just to name a few. Unlike, Helter Skelter, where the storyline was based on an actual murder, Harris, Sandford, Block, McBain and company, created murder and the intrigue that surrounded it. I was enthralled all the more. Read on, I said, and so I did.
After I finished reading my twelfth 87th Precinct novel, I thought: I could do that! And so, on a gloomy, rain-soaked Friday afternoon, that happened to follow Thanksgiving, I began writing NIGHTKILLS, which would later become BONE THIEF.
Looking back, I’m happy with the course my life had taken me, bringing me to what has become my life’s passion: Writing! Please allow me to share some of the reviews I was honored to have received for my books ~
Bone Thief:
“The fire-breathing Thomas O’Callaghan has scorched his way into the first rank of writers exploring the psychology and methods of serial killers alongside those of their often-troubled opposite numbers, police inspectors. Bone Thief sweeps the reader along in its breathless, tumbling course… just the thing for an autumn evening, a comfortable chair in front of the fireplace, a measure of single-malt scotch, and, from deep in the surrounding woods, the howls of faraway madmen.”
–International Bestselling Author Peter Straub
“Sharp as a scalpel, chilling as ice, Bone Thief, by Thomas O’Callaghan takes you on a relentless and harrowing ride into the disturbed world of a serial killer who steals his victims’ bones. From dark beaches to immaculate hospitals, police back rooms to the mansions of the wealthy, O’Callaghan peels back the layers of the human soul with informed surety.”
–Gayle Lynds, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Spymaster and The Coil
“From its chilling opening to its slam-bang conclusion, Bone Thief delivers the goods. You won’t soon forget this truly creepy serial killer… or the haunted cop who struggles to bring him to justice.”
–P.J. Parrish, Edgar and Shamus nominated author of the Louis Kincaid series
“Authentic cop details, a compelling plot, and a twisted killer who’ll make you look over your shoulder with every page.”
–Lynn Hightower, Shamus Award winner, author of When Secrets Die and Fortunes of the Dead
“With expert pacing and plotting, Bone Thief will keep you riveted until the surprising, satisfying end. Be warned, however… this one should be read in the light of day.”
–Alafair Burke, author of Close Case, Missing Justice and Judgment Calls

“Bone Thief is a strong, sharply written debut from O’Callaghan… there’s a fast-paced plot, intrigue from Driscoll’s personal life, and the main requirement of every good thriller: a smart cop facing off against an evil-but-clever serial killer.”
“Very few fictional scenarios provide the punch and chills I experienced while reading Bone Thief. Characters and details were realistic and horror penetrated to the marrow.”
“Bone Thief is that rare commodity in murder-mystery fiction which can actually give the reader nightmares. Thomas O’Callaghan, the author, manages to surpass writers such as Stephen King, Clive Barker or Dean Koontz with horror of content while keeping you absorbed in the story.”
The Screaming Room:
“The Screaming Room is a smart, fast paced, an excellent read.
“The Screaming Room is another gripping, gruesome read . . .”
“You won’t be able to put this book down.”
“The Screaming Room is a taunt fast paced thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”
“The Screaming Room is a brisk, fast-moving story that will keep you reading long past your bedtime.”
“O’Callaghan gives us a horrendous and frightening tale of the sick side of life. It is both chilling and heart-rending; a story that grabs you and keeps you right up to the dramatic end. It is a book that is well worth reading.”
–Mainly Mysteries
“The Screaming Room is a highly emotional, spine tingling, scary ride that mystery fans can really enjoy.”
“The Screaming Room is a fascinating, exciting read.”
“The Screaming Room is a haunting and horrifying story that will pull you in and refuse to let go.”
“Driscoll’s investigation will lead him down the darkest of journeys, toward an evil beyond his worst nightmares.”

“Wonderfully twisted, with revenge, wickedness and perversion! A hauntingly magnificent yarn!”
“The Screaming Room shows once again that O’Callaghan is adept at mixing touching moments with scenes of horror and pain, making it another enjoyable entry in the series. Let the summer reading begin!”
“Make plans to be up all night until the last page is turned.”
“If you are looking for a fast paced thriller with edge of your seat impact then look no further, this was a thrilling and engaging read. The author has done an excellent job and has done his research. Once you start you will not be able to put this thriller down.”
–Quality Book Reviews
“The Screaming Room is a gripping, albeit dark drama, filled with enough plot twists and turns to interest any mystery fan. His characters are likeable, and have just enough flaws to be believable.”
“Written with a sure understanding of his characters, author Thomas O’Callaghan offers the reader a look at what makes a person turn killer. This is a book you will remember and find yourself looking over your shoulder if you happen to travel alone.”
“Mr. O’Callaghan’s second book is surely a hit.”
–Lover of Books
“The Screaming Room rates as one of the best stories I have read . . . Add this one to your ‘must read’ list.”
What About My Personal Life?
I enjoy biking along the six mile boardwalk that borders the beach where I call home and exploring the numerous city parks scattered about urban New York City. Although the lovely Eileen does most of the cooking, I dabble now and again in the kitchen preparing a dynamite pot roast and a delicious veal scaloppini alla marsala. And my cheesecake? To die for!
Eileen and I enjoy travelling. We visit Florida every Spring and last year our cruise from Lyon to Provence along France’s scenic Rhône River was second to none.
Life is good!
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