Rother Discusses True Crime vs. Crime Fiction New York Times bestselling author Caitlin Rother joined the host of Shattered Lives With "LadyJustice" Donna Gore Saturday, January 21, as this week's guest for the WildBlue Press Authors Series. They talked about Caitlin's first crime fiction novel, NAKED ADDICTION, as well as her true crime books. In addition to such great true crime reading as Lost Girls, Caitlin discussed her new book, THEN NO … [Read more...]
Beach House Writing Salon II A Great Way To Jump Start Book Writing Career
The first salon went so well, we're going to have another one! Come join established authors Laurel Corona, Steve Jackson, Chip Jacobs and Caitlin Rother for a full day of tips and advice on the craft and business of book publishing in an intimate setting. We will offer workshops, one-on-one critiques, and a panel discussion, followed by a beach cocktail party and book signing with live music by BREAKINGTHECODE at a beautiful bayfront locale. … [Read more...]
NY Times Bestselling Author Caitlin Rother Says ‘Writing Is Rewriting’ For Success
Known Best For Her True Crime, Rother's First Book Was NAKED ADDICTION, A Crime Fiction Mystery Now Out With WildBlue Press I can’t even count how many times I wrote and significantly rewrote NAKED ADDICTION. But because it was my first book, I was riding the learning curve, and as I tell my students, writing is rewriting. Back in the 1990s, when I started this crime novel, I decided that rather than stick the early drafts into a drawer … [Read more...]
Caitlin Rother podcasts NAKED ADDICTION
New York Times bestselling author Caitlin Rother spoke with the hosts of WMKT in Michigan, Tuesday, December 2, about NAKED ADDICTION. Best known for her true crime and memoir writing, NAKED ADDICTION, published by WildBlue Press, was Caitlin's first mystery novel. Listen to the discussion by clicking here. … [Read more...]
NAKED ADDICTION-Caitlin Rother launches book at alma mater
It's always nice to get a write-up in your hometown paper. Here's mine, about the launch event I'm having at the La Jolla library next Wednesday evening at 6:30 for NAKED ADDICTION. Hope to see some familiar faces there! … [Read more...]
NAKED ADDICTION-Caitlin Rother-The Tribulations of Publishing
After 17 years of trying to get my crime novel, NAKED ADDICTION, published—my first and only novel, and the first book I ever wrote—I was thrilled to finally hold the book in my hand in 2007. But the joy was fleeting. Unfortunately, Dorchester, the original publisher, did nothing to promote the book and in the days before social media there wasn’t much opportunity for a newbie author like me to do so. Based on the fast and furious sales of … [Read more...]
Debut Mystery Novel NAKED ADDICTION By Caitlin Rother Set In Sunny San Diego
Tired of working undercover narcotics, police detective Ken Goode wants a transfer to homicide. After the Camus-reading surfer finds the body of a beautiful woman in an alley, he is assigned to head a team of relief detectives with the hopes of proving he is homicide-worthy. Buy NAKED ADDICTION: Kindle Paperback Audible iTunes As Goode explores the underbelly of the affluent coastal enclave of La Jolla, California, and its hipster … [Read more...]
NAKED ADDICTION-Caitlin Rother-Persistence Pays
NAKED ADDICTION started off as a short story, inspired by a news article I wrote when I was the Northampton City Hall reporter for the Springfield Union-News in Massachusetts about 25 years ago. A young woman, who was an old friend of my then-boyfriend, was murdered in New York City and he took me to her wake. That true crime story worked as a creative catalyst for me to create the character of the first murder victim, Tania Marcus, who, by … [Read more...]