Big Bird finding a dead woman in his house; a cannibal police officer; a horse suspected of murder; a mysterious crate with horrifying contents; a teenager who murdered his baby sister; one criminal's shocking motive for killing three people; a lady feeding dead men to hogs; an international assassination suspect is murdered in North Carolina for a completely unrelated reason; a family search that ended in harrassment, stalking, and death … [Read more...]
Mike Rothmiller
Mike Rothmiller is a New York Times Bestselling author, historian, a former cop, and an Army medic. He's a former TV Reporter, an award-winning documentary television producer, and television host for ESPN, PBS, and other international television markets. His Non-fiction book, My Hero, Military, Kids Write About Their Moms and Dads (St. Martin's Press) received international acclaim and is the only book to have forwards written by three living … [Read more...]