SAVING SANDOVAL is now available from WildBlue Press! Order your copy today!
“Great book, unbelievable story. I spent 5 years in the Army and ROE and SOP’s are drummed into everyone’s head from the 1st day. It was upsetting to see what they put this kid (and his family and friends) through. Drummond deserves a handshake and a beer for his defense of what was clearly a bad situation. The book clearly walks you through the events leading to charges being brought, then clearly walks your through the defense teams actions and the trial. As upsetting as it was to read about the charges being brought, it was a relief to see that justice prevailed. Well done.” – Jason Harrington, 5 star review
“Having served myself and being sent overseas in defense of our nation on more than one occasion I can tell you this is a worst nightmare for many of us. Standard operating procedures are great but it’s impossible to cover every aspect of what we can face, and ROE — rules of engagement are often vague and really based off your instinct and read of a situation happening in real time. This did an amazing job of explaining without a lean of biased the actual happenings of the case. While I’ve heard the worst case scenario of this kind of incident it was good to see someone so hellbent on doing the right thing and providing the type of counsel we are all entitled to, not just a soldier — though also, especially a soldier. Normally not my type of read but it was engaging and paced very well and easy to take in on a lazy afternoon, I would definitely recommend it.” – Amazon Customer, 5 star review
“Armed forces continue to operate in uncertain and complex environments and this story is an insightful and powerful look into the challenges and judgments faced by a young sniper deployed to the battlefield of Iraq.” – Brigadier General Jeffery L. Underhill, U.S. Army Retired, (Iraq Veteran)
“This book is a strong caution for all military commanders who would consider judging the warriors who run towards to sound of gunfire. Front-line actions should be judged from a front-line perspective, not for how those actions may play in the news.” – Dave Earp, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer, USNA 97, BUDS Class #230, (Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran)
“Saving Sandoval gives an inside look at the scrutiny Soldiers face on the battlefield and the politics involved in modern day warfare.” – Major Chris Ophardt, U.S. Army, Public Affairs Officer to the Secretary of the Army, 2016-2017, (Iraq Veteran)
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