Author Robert Davidson
Robert Davidson speaks nationally and has written numerous columns for various
publications. In The Beast I Loved, originally published by Ballantine Books in 2000 under the title Fighting Back, now revised and updated with new material, he examines family dysfunction, the psychology of violence, and the resulting tragedy. He was the winner of New England’s venerable Seacoast Writers Association award for Best Nonfiction.
He also wrote How Good Parents Raise Great Kids, published by Warner Books, in which he discussed successful childrearing and the keys to personal fulfillment. Excerpts from the book have appeared in Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, and Family Life, and it has been translated into eight foreign languages.
Never knowing if your “beast” will enact upon you the violence that he constantly threatens, makes life all about just surviving. Especially when he puts a cocked rifle up to your babies’ head. Thankfully times have changed wherein battering is now taken seriously by the authorities.
Thank you for your deeply accurate and sensitive book. I highly recommend it to sufferers and their advocates.
Robert Davidson wrote this book a few years back which devastated the family with his false claims.. The devastation is not so much the fact Mr. Davidson wrote a book, its due to the fact he lied. Its been found that Mr. Davidson recently came out with a second addition of this book called the Beast I loved, with a different cover from its original Fighting back.
This very statement from Robert Davidson “Based on hundreds of hours interviewing June Briand, speaking with her lawyers, and poring over countless pages of court transcripts, police and hospital records, and interviews with virtually every key person involved with this case”
Is 100% false! We have created a page to give the readers as they requested the real True story of events! We have real documents, as Mr Davidson does not. We have everything needed to show proof. This is an on going page, with new information being released daily and will not stop until we can finally get some Justice. Please share, get the word out. We are targeting to reach all the readers of these two books, the media, newspapers, true crime journalists,investigators and lawyers.
Here is the true story of June Briand : https://www.facebook.com/Fact-or-Crap-The-Beast-I-lovedFighting-back-by-Robert-Davidson-231925814137298/
Everything is public and no need to join the page to read.