Author Caitlin Rother
Caitlin Rother, author of the hit mystery NAKED ADDICTION, discusses her new and upcoming works on Colloquium. Her most recent works include some shorter stories to keep readers entertained while she finishes her next book. Caitlin will also be writing a historical crime series of Kindle “shorts” through 2016. Make sure to read the full article for all the latest on WildBlue’s Caitlin Rother!
Source: http://www.jhsiess.com/2016/01/13/guest-post-and-now-for-something-a-little-different/
“With WildBlue Press, I’ve been enjoying the opportunity to update, rewrite and improve a couple of my older titles, which were or are out of print. The first so far is my one and only mystery novel, Naked Addiction, a story about sex, drugs and murder at the beach in San Diego. Naked Addiction is available on Kindle, in trade paperback, and was recently released in an audio version.” – Caitlin Rother for Colloquium on January 13th, 2016
Get the hit mystery NAKED ADDICTION today!
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