Repeat Offender Update
Once again, we’re back with Sin City Cop and Author Bradley Nickell for an important update about the Daimon Monroe case detailed in Bradley’s wildly popular true crime thriller, REPEAT OFFENDER.
The case is back in the courtroom for what might be the final provocative, chaotic, and hopefully inspiring episode. Check out the video below for the Repeat Offender update.
If you haven’t read the book yet, you’re missing out on the story Suspense Magazine named as “Best of 2015” for true crime. It’s also the #1 customer-rated true crime book on Amazon.
Some people might think reading a true crime story doesn’t sound so interesting. If that’s you, just understand that REPEAT OFFENDER isn’t like most other true crime stories. There’s no dead bodies or blood and gore. It’s a captivating look into the mind of a habitual criminal and the harrowing events that took place when bringing him to justice. It’s also a memoir of sorts because the author, Bradley Nickell, was the lead investigator in the case. You’ll get to be right there with Bradley as he investigated the most prolific criminal Las Vegas has ever known, learning about Bradley’s suspicions, fears, and emotions. There are some dark moments in the book, but there’s also a great redemption story to be told, so you’ll hopefully be left with a feeling of satisfaction when good triumphs over evil.
Aphrodite Jones, NY Times Bestseller and host of True Crime on the Investigation Discovery network, says REPEAT OFFENDER “…is a provocative journey into a world one rarely uncovers, with shocking twists and turns that will keep you riveted!”
And don’t forget to check out the Repeat Offender Photo Gallery. There you’ll find crime scene photos and other interesting things that provide an inside scoop on the story.

Clark County Regional Justice Center
We would love to have you participate in a Q & A with Bradley. If you’d like to ask a question about REPEAT OFFENDER, something about Las Vegas, or anything else you’ve ever wanted to know from a cop, make sure you send in your questions to webmaster@repeatoffenderonline.com If you send Bradley your questions via video, we will include your video as part of the Q & A. If you do that, we will give you a free autographed copy of the book. If you need help on how to do that, send an email for further instruction.
Also, check out Bradley’s blog, NICKELL’S CORNER. You’ll get a deeper look into what made Bradley into the person and writer he is today. And you might find some other questions to ask about there.
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