For a limited time, get the updated edition of Burl Barer’s bestselling true crime book, MURDER IN THE FAMILY, for only 99cents beginning Sunday, September 25th! But hurry, the price will gradually increase after each day of the countdown. Get your copy here!
From the author:
The viscous killer wasn’t some creepy stranger. He was a creepy family member. Kirby D. Anthoney raped and murdered his own aunt and her two little girls in a violent frenzy of unspeakable perversity. How Anchorage detectives, aided by FBI Profiler Judson Ray, narrowed the suspect list down to one young man and finally brought Kirby D., Anthoney to justice is a intense story of gut-wrenching drama. But in the end we must not forget the victims. Writing this book was a deeply emotional experience, and their were tears on the keyboard on more than one occasion.

Author Burl Barer
“One of the best true crime books I’ve ever read. The case is very disturbing, so be prepared. The crime is real sick, and so is the killer. This book is exceptionally well written, and not easy to put down, but you might have to just to keep from having nightmares about Kirby Anthoney, the young man who raped and murdered his own aunt and her little girls. You might have seen this case on The New Detectives. The book is most interesting in that the author gives as much space to the killer’s defense as he does to the prosecution. One of the most shocking true crime books, and one of the best.” – Roger A. O’Kay, Five-Star Review
“A while ago I read this book after living through this horrific tragedy first hand. In my intitial rating of this book I did not give it a very good rating. I would like to revise it at this time. After giving more thought to this, I realize that the author was just telling the story and not making judgement or light of the incident. Therefore, I would like to let him know it was very well written and thank him for keeping my family members ‘real people.’”–Shayleen Eastman, Five-Star Review
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