Author John Ferak
John Ferak’s new WildBlue Press original is taking over Amazon true crime categories, BODY OF PROOF is a Summertime must-read. Now read some of the behind the scenes investigative work that went into BODY OF PROOF.
When I write true-crime books, one similar question ALWAYS comes up after my book is out.
“Were you able to interview the killer?” OR “What did the killer have to say about the book?”
I knew this was an obvious question I would face as I finished BODY OF PROOF. I also knew what I was up against.
The person responsible for Jessica O’Grady’s slaughter, Christopher Edwards, HAD NEVER once ever, ever, ever, given a media interview surrounding his crime in the nine years since he has been incarcerated for the May 2006 killing. Also keep in mind his was one of the most high-profile murder cases in the City of Omaha, Nebraska, a metropolitan area of about 1 million people.
And yet I knew I needed make a strong effort to get Edwards to correspond with me, either in writing or by showing a willingness to let me interview him by phone. A face to face interview was never practical because nowadays I live in Wisconsin and he’s in a maximum security prison in Nebraska.
Very carefully, I came up with a series of questions to send him through the mail that I thought might solicit a response. That said, I refused to give Christopher Edwards any hint in my letter that I was advocating for him or that I believed in his innocence. After all, I DO NOT believe in his innocence one bit.
I revised my questions. I changed some words here and there. Ultimately, here were several of the key questions I sent to prisoner Edwards in April as I wrapped up writing BODY OF PROOF:
Do you consider yourself to be a victim of Dave Kofoed’s blood-planting evidence schemes?
Did Dave Kofoed plant Jessica O’Grady’s blood in the trunk of your car?
If you had testified at your trial, what would you have told the jury if asked about the circumstances of Jessica O’Grady’s disappearance?
Would you consider helping authorities find Jessica’s body if prosecutors offered you a reduced sentence, something much less than you are serving now?
How would you want readers of my book to view you?
I ended my letter politely and respectfully by saying “Thank you very much for taking the time to write me back on this request, Chris.”
Edwards never wrote me back. That was hardly a surprise.
After all, Edwards is the same darkened killer who chose not to take the witness stand during his historic no-body murder trial.
Get Your Copy of True Crime Smash Hit and Amazon Bestseller, BODY OF PROOF, Today!
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