Author Jack Van Der Slik
Jack Van Der Slik’s teaching career extends from 1958 to 2006 in classes from junior high to doctoral studies, for courses in social studies, education and political science. His degrees are from Calvin College, B.A.; Western Michigan University, M.A.; and Michigan State University, M.A. and Ph.D. His affiliations have been with Bellflower Christian School, Denver Christian School, the Michigan Legislative Intern Program, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Calvin College, Trinity Christian College, the University of Illinois Springfield, Covenant College and Indian River State College. His administrative assignments included Associate Dean of Liberal Arts at S.I.U., Academic Dean at Trinity and Director of the Illinois Legislative Studies Center at UIS. It is easy to see that he had trouble holding on to a steady job, but having worked and lived in a variety of places he and his family had a wide range living experiences. After the children were educated and on their own, Jack and Bonnie traveled widely – to all the American states, several Canadian provinces, Australia, New Zealand, much of Europe, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Uganda, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Columbia, several Caribbean Islands as well as the Falklands, and China, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. Fortunately, this world has many more interesting places to visit, so he and Bonnie will keep alert for more opportunities to explore.
Van Der Slik’s interest in Korea was prompted by a colleague, Doe Chull Shin, an expert on South Korean democratization.Van Der Slik’s extended visit to South Korea with Shin included a day trip to Panmunjom and the opportunity to observe the armaments and the truce line there. Conversations with South Korean political scientists and a visit to the National Assembly stimulated an immersion into the literature about the separate Koreas and brought about the writing of this book, The Korean Crisis.
Van Der Slik is dad to three adult children who reside in Illinois and Missouri and has lots of grand and great grandchildren. He and Bonnie Van Der Slik get as many of them as are available for a week together every other summer, usually in a time-share at some sunny beach site.
Van Der Slik is the author or co-author of:
Roll Call! Patterns of Voting in the Sixth Illinois Constitutional Convention, 1975.
American Legislative Processes, 1977.
One for All and All for Illinois, 1995.
Intruding on Academe, 2001.
Eisenhower: A 20th Century Hero in War and Peace, 2013.
Disgrace in the House: A Political Biography of Harlem’s Charlie Rangel, 2013.
He is editor or co-editor of:
American Politics: Research and Readings, 1970
Black Conflict with White America, 1970.
Almanac of Illinois Politics, Vols. 1-5: 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998.
Politics in the American States and Communities, 1996.
The National People’s Congress of China, 2003.
His essays, articles and reviews appear in a variety of journals, magazines and newspapers. He is professor emeritus of political studies and public affairs at the University of Illinois Springfield. He and Bonnie live and enjoy sunshine year around in Orange City, Florida. For more details, google him. Provide feedback about this study of Korea to vanderslik.jack@uis.edu