Sunsets on the beach are just one reason to be in San Diego for the Beach Writing Salon III
Join award-winning and bestselling authors Steve Jackson, Susan Carol McCarthy, Caitlin Rother and three-time Pulitzer-winning

Bestselling author Caitlin Rother hosts the salons.
editor Susan White on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 for Beach House Writing Salon III! If you are an aspiring writer, or simply want to improve or polish what you do, don’t miss this day of workshops, one-on-one critiques, and a panel discussion to gain exclusive writing tips and advice. Jackson, a co-owner of WildBlue Press, will also be on hand to discuss indie publishing (and who knows, you might land a book contract like Salon I and II attendee and current WildBlue Press author Bradley Nickell). The day will end with live music, cocktails, and a panoramic view of Cardiff by the Sea.
Please contact host Caitlin Rother at crother@flash.net with questions or to sign up for the salon. Seating is limited, and payment is required to hold a seat. Sign up now for the early bird incentive price of $165, which goes up on March 31.
Learn more here: http://beachhousewritingsalon.blogspot.com/
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