In an experiment to discover what secrets are hidden within the infinite vastness of the galaxy, scientists create a machine so powerful that it rips a hole through space and time. But instead of revealing the dark world of their own universe the machine opens a gateway to a universe infinitely more horrifying … and infinitely evil.
After seven physicists vanish during a routine test of the highly guarded Hadron Super Collider in Geneva, a series of grisly murders also begin at the facility and an elite squad of American military operators are dispatched to discover the truth behind the hideous slaughter. Meanwhile, the sister of a missing scientist hires a mysterious, powerful stranger known only as Isaiah to discover the fate of her sister.
Working against time, the two teams risk everything in their quest to learn the insidious truth behind the most dangerous machine in the world, and soon find that the Super Collider did not just open a gateway to the furthest reaches of the galaxy: It opened a far more terrifying gateway, for it bridged the gulf between Earth and Hell and now denizens of the darkest dimension stalk the Earth as flesh and blood creatures to kill, steal, and destroy.
As a nuclear detonation fast approaches, the wounded survivors fight desperately to destroy the murderous creatures that have already emerged from the gateway and then seal the gateway itself …
Or there will be no world left to save.
REVIEW on Crux: James Byron Huggins has created a penetrating, perceptive masterpiece in Crux. He has taken reality and blended it with deeper perceptions about our world, our limitations, our souls. In Crux he has shown how expanded knowledge can make one believe there should be expanded and limitless power. He has also shown how corruption coupled with knowledge can bring out the strongest qualities of either good or evil in mankind. May we learn from this.