Two Great True Crime Books For The Price Of One!
Filling Out The Form Also Enters You To Win One Of Four Signed Print Copies Of SMOOTH TALKER!

Smooth Talker: Trail of Death is the story of serial killer Roy Melanson and the detectives who brought him to justice
The stories of two serial killers, Roy Melanson and David Penton, and the amazing detective work that put them behind bars for life, brought to you by New York Times bestseller and award-winning journalist Steve Jackson.

BOGEYMAN: He Was Every Parent’s Nightmare about serial child-killer David Penton was released in August 2014
After buying SMOOTH TALKER, fill out THIS FORM and select a Kindle (Mobi), Nook (ePub), or PDF version of BOGEYMAN to be sent to you. We’ll also put your name in the hat for a drawing to win a print copy of SMOOTH TALKER personalized and signed by Steve Jackson.
This promotion ends Friday, June 10, 2016.
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