KIMBERLY, WISCONSIN — An engaged and energized audience with lots of questions showed up Tuesday night at the public library in Kimberly for my presentation on BLOODY LIES: A CSI SCANDAL IN THE HEARTLAND (Kent State University Press). My hour-long talk outlined key moments in the Nebraska farmhouse killings that were committed by two Wisconsin teenagers. We went another 30 minutes with questions.

Audience for Ferak’s talk about BLOODY LIES and DIXIE’S LAST STAND
It’s been nearly 10 months since BLOODY LIES came out My book is one of seven finalists for the Foreword Review’s 2014 True-Crime book of the year. Winners will be announced in June.
Tuesday’s appearance was special because it coincides with the Fox Cities Book Festival which is a week-long showcase of authors from Wisconsin and all over the country.
Among the questions asked Tuesday night: was the family of Matt Livers subjected to ridicule or scorn for railroading the victim’s nephew for the murders?
The audience member who asked this question pointed out that even though the local cops may have made lots of bumbling mistakes on the case, it was Wayne and Sharmon Stock’s own family who caused the police to be badly mistaken.
Another question surrounded the murders themselves. One woman wondered what was the motive for the Wisconsin teenagers to commit the murders in the Nebraska farmhouse if they did not go there to steal anything.
The last 5 to 10 minutes of my presentation afforded me an opportunity to talk about my second book, DIXIE’S LAST STAND: Was it Murder or Self-Defense? DIXIE, which has been published via WildBlue Press, just came out in paperback last week. The #Kindle version has been an #Amazon best-seller since its release in January. The book is free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.
Several people at tonight’s presentation said they planned to download DIXIE on their Kindle.
As I sold some more BLOODY LIES books afterward, I heard a few of the women still sitting in their chairs remark, “that was definitely a great presentation. I’m glad we came here tonight.”
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