Author Steve Jackson with Russian Orthodox priest Vasily at the site of the 2015 search
Authors and Radio Host Ron Chepesiuk Discuss FINDING ANASTASIA
New York Times bestselling author Steve Jackson and American sea captain Peter Sarandinaki will be the guests on the wildly popular CRIME BEAT with Ron

Peter Sarandinaki during the search for the missing Romanov children in Pig’s Meadow. It has been a long, often frustrating process, but he has remained dedicated to his quest.
Chepesiuk radio program, 8 p.m. (ET), tonight, August 13. Sarandinaki is the great-grandson of a White Russian Army General who fought against the Communist takeover during the Russian civil war. General Rozanov was also the first White Army officer to enter the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg six days after Tsar Nicholas, his family and servants were murdered.

Crime Beat Host Ron Chepesiuk will interview Steve Jackson and Peter Sarandinaki at 8 p.m. (ET) on Thurday, August 13
Growing up in New York as part of the White Russian immigrant community, Peter heard the stories about his family’s role during the civil war and in particular the efforts to locate the remains of the royal family. When he read that that the family’s remains had been exhumed in 1991, but that two of the Romanov royal children were missing, Peter made it a personal quest to locate the remains. Listen in as Peter talks about his quest, as well as his latest mission: finding the remains of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich Romanov, who was murdered along with his secretary, Brian Johnson, by the Bolsheviks in June 1918 and buried in a secret grave near Perm, Russia.

Crime Beat Host Ron Chepesiuk
Jackson, whose book LUCKY LADY: The World War II Heroics of the USS Santa Fe and Franklin won the prestigious Colorado Center for the Book Award for History/Biography, joined Peter’s search team in 2013 and again in 2015 which he documented in his blog series FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE. A member of the clandestine grave-finding NecroSearch International about whom he wrote his book NO STONE UNTURNED, Jackson will again join the search in 2016. He and Peter are currently working on a book about Peter’s family and the search for the Romanovs titled FINDING ANASTASIA.
Chepesiuk is a native of Thunder Bay, Canada, and a full-time freelance journalist, documentary film producer and true crime radio host based in Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA. He has published 25 books and more than 4,000 original articles in FHM, USA Today, Black Enterprise, Woman’s World, Modern Maturity, The Rotarian, New York Times Syndicate, Toronto Star, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Collier´s Encyclopedia, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the New York Daily News and more than 400 other print publications.
Ron has reported from more than 35 countries, including Cuba, Northern Ireland, Colombia, Kenya, Colombia, Hong Kong, Nepal and Czechoslovakia, and his 16,000 plus interviews include such luminaries as Gerry Adams, Yasser Arafat, Russell Simmons, John Kerry, Dave Barry, Andie McDowall, Jimmy Carter, Abbie Hoffman, Noam Chomsky, Frank Lucas (the subject of the movie, ¨American Gangster¨), a former president of Nicaragua and three former presidents and two vice presidents of Colombia, South America.
He also serves as a consultant to the History Channel´s ¨Gangland¨ series and has been interviewed by NBC´s Dateline, the Biography Channel’s “Mobsters”, The Discovery Channel’s “Undercover” and Black Entertainment Television´s ¨American Gangster.¨ And he has won numerous writing awards.
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