Kevin Sullivan’s First Video: On the Trail of Ted Bundy
Kevin Sullivan is in the American South West following the trail of the Ted Bundy murders to gather intel for a new project. He will be talking to law enforcement involved with the case as well as people who knew Bundy's victims in order to provide an account of this infamous case like no other before. Kevin will be posting his thoughts, as well as sending photographs and behind-the-scene videos of his travels and investigation as it unfolds. Follow the series on the WildBlue Press blog and look … [Read More...]
My Association with Postmortem Ted Bundy
True Crime author Kevin Sullivan Reflects On His Connection To A Serial Killer This piece was previously published with a typo that mis-dated the below picture of Ted Bundy at 1984, when he would have been in prison in Florida. According to Kevin Sullivan, the picture below was taken in 1975 or 1976 in Utah. Ted Bundy was never supposed to be a part of my life. I’d first heard about the guy after his escape from Colorado, and I remember thinking at the time just how does a law student end up … [Read More...]
Recording History While We Can
When I was a teenager, my father said he wanted to introduce me to a man who went by the nickname of “Irish”. He was originally from Ireland, my father explained, but he'd joined the Canadian Army and fought the Germans in the First World War. Prior to our meeting, dad told me some of the stories Irish told him about fighting in the trenches, especially about the Battle of Vimy Ridge in France in April 1917. Being a voracious reader of military conflicts, especially both world wars, I was very … [Read More...]
Author Kevin Sullivan Hits the Road Retracing the Bundy Murders
Kevin Sullivan has begun his sweep of the states where Ted Bundy committed his murders in an effort to unearth the most detailed and in depth account of this infamous cross country crime spree ever compiled. Kevin has already established himself as a leading author on Bundy with his acclaimed true crime debut: The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History. "The Bundy Murders is scholarly and yet, at the same time, compelling and mesmerizing. Couldn’t put it down. This is crime writing at … [Read More...]
Kevin Sullivan On the Trail of Ted Bundy Video 10: Kathy Parks Abducted from College Campus
This is the last of author Kevin Sullivan's videos from the Bundy trail until the release of his video featurette "On the Trail of Ted Bundy," which will document his trip in its entirety with additional never-before-seen footage from a Washington state double-abduction. While you are waiting for Kevin's new Bundy book, check out his true crime tome, KENTUCKY BLOODBATH! … [Read More...]
Kevin Sullivan On the Trail of Ted Bundy Video 8: Washington University Abduction and Bundy’s Boyhood Home
WildBlue Press Author Kevin Sullivan takes us to Washington University and the childhood home of infamous serial killer Ted Bundy in the latest installment of On the Trail of Ted Bundy. Kevin is conducting research for his new project--a step by step account of this gruesome cross country and multi-year murder spree. At each site, he explains just how events lined up to lead to a particular abduction, in some cases not Bundy's original target. Can't wait for Kevin's new book to be completed? … [Read More...]
Why Did Kevin Sullivan Revisit The Bundy Murders After Resolving to Leave Them Behind?
Kevin Sullivan, author of KENTUCKY BLOODBATH, VAMPIRE and THE BUNDY MURDERS: A Comprehensive History, has been on the road researching significant sites and talking to key witnesses and people who knew Bundy's victims in order to create an original account of this infamous multi-year murder spree. Here he describes what led him to revisit this case only a few years after he resolved to leave it behind for good... When I finished my book on Ted Bundy, The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive … [Read More...]
Kevin Sullivan On the Trail of Ted Bundy Videos 2 and 3
Kevin Sullivan is in the greater Salt Lake City area retracing the steps of the infamous Ted Bundy murders. Kevin brings this haunting case to life as he walks down the very roads where Bundy's victims were abducted and tracks down the sites where he carried out the gruesome murders. Find the rest of his video correspondence on the Bundy trail here. … [Read More...]